Pics Of The $130 Million Hospital Under Construction in New Orleans East

by • January 13, 2014 • Healthcare, New Orleans East, Public Development, Public FinanceComments (0)10017

New Orleans East HospitalThe New Orleans East Hospital (NOEH), which broke ground January 2013, includes the renovation of the previously existing six-story, 133,640-square-foot East Tower and construction of a new, 71,700 Patient Care Pavilion.

The Urgent Care Center opened more than 2 years ago under the direction of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS), the current partner with the City of New Orleans and the Hospital Service District in developing the hospital.

The state-of-the-art, 33,000-square-foot Daughters of Charity Health Center opened on January 6, 2014 and serves as a primary healthcare center for residents in New Orleans East.  Built for $9 million, including $3 million in funding from the City of New Orleans, includes 36 exam rooms on two stories, two special procedure exam rooms, six behavioral health counseling offices, a lab, pharmacy, team and training rooms.

The project scope included redevelopment of a 16 acre site as an acute inpatient hospital with a full complement of inpatient services, outpatient services, urgent care and primary care, and a central utility plant. The New Patient Care Pavilion, will consist of approximately 71,700 square feet on three (3) floors connected to the East Tower of the existing facility.

The three-story Patient Care Pavilion includes site and utility upgrades, first floor Administration, Materials Management and Dining Facility, Second Floor Emergency Department with ramp access and elevated parking, Surgery Suite, Pharmacy, Clincal Lab, Central Sterile, 10-Bed Inpatient and Outpatient Units, Imaging, MRI, Cath Lab, Endoscopy Suite, and Centralized Utility Plant.

Renovations to the East Tower will consist of approximately 120,000 square feet on six floors and include Administrative Support, a new Entrance Lobby, Cafeteria and Dining, ICU, Diagnostic Center, Short Stay Unit, Adult In-Patient Unit, Long Term Acute Care Unit, and PT/ OT/ Cardiac Rehab/ Fitness Areas.

Mayor Landrieu and city and state officials toured the construction progress last week.  The Lemoine Company is the general contractor.  The 80 bed, $130 million hospital is two-thirds of the way done.  Construction is expected to be completed by the end of May.

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