Check Out Renderings For The New $35 Million Co-Living Space

by • May 18, 2017 • Architecture & Design, Development, Multi Family, Warehouse DistrictComments (1)10073

Earlier this week we reported on the new $35 Million Wisznia + Common co-living development coming to the warehouse district, and now we have all the renderings and floor plans for you to check out.

The new project is being built at the corner of St. Charles Avenue and St. Joseph Street in the Warehouse District.

The co-living concept is essentially adult dorm rooms, where renters live in private suites with private bed and bathrooms, but share living areas and kitchens.

The proposed development includes the preservation and renovation of two existing historic buildings, demolition of non-historic additions to the two existing buildings and new construction of a 143,000 square foot mixed-use building.

Check Out the renderings and floor plans below!

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.

Rendering of Two Saints by Wisznia Architect + Development.


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One Response to Check Out Renderings For The New $35 Million Co-Living Space

  1. […] of other developments are happening in the area, including another Wisnia project, the $35 million co-living development called Two Saints, and the $50 million mixed-use building project by Woodward Interests and Boston-based Audubon […]

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