Is Your Neighborhood Cool? Campanella Digs In

by • March 13, 2014 • Marigny, NewsComments (0)6710

Image via Richard Campanella &

Image via Richard Campanella &

Richard Campanella, the geographer with the Tulane University School of Architecture, has created a great heat map of the “coolest” neighborhoods in New Orleans.

In his article at, Campanella goes on to explain how having the “cool” designation impacts real estate values.

According to Campanella, Treme, St. Calude, and the Bywater are “very cool”, while Bourbon street is considered “very uncool”.

Campanella explains his methodology:

I devised a technique entailing the distribution hundreds of points digitally throughout a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map of downtown. Each point was then ranked 0 (uncool) through 10 (very cool) reflecting how that neighborhood, bar, restaurant or venue is generally perceived, based on a wide range of observations, readings, conversations and vibes from the zeitgeist.

Check out the entire article at, its worth the read.

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