Upscale Hostel Coming to Bywater Riverfront

by • January 7, 2016 • Bywater, Hotel & HospitalityComments (1)6856

The land where the Chubby Pelican will be built. Photo via Google Maps.

The land where the hostel will be built. Photo via Google Maps.

Developer Ted Kelso is proposing an upscale hostel with 43 rooms, 185 beds, a bar and restaurant on vacant land in the Bywater. The name of the project is currently in the works.

The corner property, bordered by Royal, Mazant, Chartres and Bartholomew streets, would have a 43,000 square foot building.  The rooms would be a mix of hostel-style rooms with shared bathrooms and private rooms with private bathrooms.  The land is currently owned by New Orleans lawyer John Cummings.

According to The Advocate, the room rates would start at $33 for a share room to $44 for a private room, and the goal is to cater to millennials.  Plans call for a 60-seat restaurant, a hotel bar, and a courtyard, along with 40 parking spots.

Kelso will need to secure a conditional-use permit because the project would exceed 10,000 square feet.

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One Response to Upscale Hostel Coming to Bywater Riverfront

  1. […] rejected a controversial proposal for an upscale hostel in Bywater in March, they approved developer Ted Kelso’s plans for a hostel by a 6-1 vote yesterday, May 19, […]

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