“Engine 37” Coffee House for Laurel Street Fire Station Wins City Approval

by • December 6, 2013 • News, Uptown, Zoning and Land UseComments (1)3827


Sylvi Beaumont and her husband bought the former fire station from the city in a surplus property auction in May, and are proposing a coffee shop with a few apartments adjacent to it. Though the building’s zoning is residential, it has never been used as a residence, she noted, but as a coffeehouse will be an amenity to the nearby park.

The City Planning Commission had previously voted to recommend denial of the rezoning, saying that because it had never been a strictly commercial building in the past it should not now become one. They noted that its institutional use was close to commercial, however, and said the decision was one they struggled with.

The council voted 7-0 in favor of the rezoning.

Uptown Messenger has the full story.

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One Response to “Engine 37” Coffee House for Laurel Street Fire Station Wins City Approval

  1. P eninge says:

    I think this is a good decison, rezoning will definately help this area and we need more facilities.

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