Kirshman Plans Redevelopment of Frank’s Steakhouse on Freret

by • May 16, 2014 • Development, Uptown, Zoning and Land UseComments (3)6335

Photo via Google Maps

Photo via Google Maps

Arnold Kirshman has been exploring a redevelopment plan for the former Frank’s Steak House building on Freret Street.  The steakhouse is largest building remaining untouched on Freret street, which has seen a commercial renaissance in the last few years.

Kirshman’s plan calls for a partial demolition and new construction to host commercial tenants in the first floor and appartments in the two upper floors, following the current development pattern on Freret Street.

The building has a lot of historic value and character, but it had deteriorated to a point where renovation is no longer financially feasible.

Most neighbors support the redevelopment but Kirshman still needs the city approval to demolish the building and he plans to close the purchase after that approval.

The demolition hearing is set for June 2.

Arnold’s family, the Kirshmans, have been in the retail business in New Orleans for a century.

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3 Responses to Kirshman Plans Redevelopment of Frank’s Steakhouse on Freret

  1. […] Kirschman, whose family had operated furniture stores in New Orleans for almost a century, will be redeveloping the site at the corner of Freret and Cadiz, the largest remaining undeveloped parcel along Freret […]

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