Rendering of the New Building.
Earlier this year Martin Wine Cellar owner Cedric Martin came out with the news that the famed Baronne Street location would be re-opening by September of 2014.
Last week, Martin took another step in that direction by officially filling the construction permit with the city. The permit stated plans for the construction of a single story 14,025 square foot retail store at 3827 Baronne Street.
The application was filed last week by Martin Orleans Properties LLC, an entity controlled by Cedric Martin and the owner of the land. The total value for the building was stated to be $3 million.
Waggoner & Ball is the architect and F.H. Meyers Construction is the general contractor.
The original Baronne Street location has been closed since Katrina.
Only 9 years later…sorry, Cedric, people have moved on. Every other meaningful wine business in the city found a way to stay committed to N.O. You kept a coat closet on Magazine St. and focused on the Northshore and Baton Rouge. Save yourself the $3M, your customers are gone.
I am thrilled to see Martin Wine Cellar is coming back!
You suck Cedric Martin. Thanks for tearing down homes just to leave an eyesore of a construction site for the neighborhood to have to look at for the past year. Not to mention the flooding of Baronne due to your neglected property. New Orleans doesn’t need you and I’ll take it on as my personal mission to convince would be customers to take their business elsewhere.