Zippy Shell Purchases 71,000 Square Foot Big Easy Sportsplex Building

by • September 5, 2018 • Acquisitions, Commercial, NewsComments (0)5412

Zippy Shell, a Washington D.C.-based on-demand moving and storage solution, has announced it will be entering the New Orleans market. The company, led locally by entrepreneur and Louisiana franchisee Nathan Chandler, has purchased a 71,000 square foot property in Elmwood.

Currently housing Big Easy Sportsplex, the building is located at 800 Webb Street and will be Zippy Shell’s permanent location.

BES will continue normal operations in its current location and ZippyShell’s new Elmwood property will be fully operational by the end of September,” shared a representative for Zippy Shell.

Beau Box Real Estate represented Zippy Shell in the transaction.

“The facility checked all the boxes for our permanent location. The building size and location gives us space to securely store belongings for thousands of customers in Greater New Orleans” said Chandler.

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