Check Out Tomorrow’s Webinar On Covid-19’s Impact on the Louisiana Real Estate Industry

by • May 6, 2020 • NewsComments (0)3686

Athena Real Estate, the former Director of the UNO Real Estate Market Data Center Dr. Wade Ragas and real estate broker and business law attorney Everett Fineran are putting on a free webinar on how the COVID-19 pandemic has already affected and may continue to affect real estate in Louisiana. The webcast will take place on May 7 at 2:00pm.

Topics covered will include:

– What can we expect for the local economy post-pandemic?
– Will the inevitable economic recession cause a decrease in housing prices over the coming months?
– Will some real estate sectors in Louisiana get hit harder than others?
– How will commercial real estate for restaurants, hotels, and apartments be affected?
– With the stimulus spending, won’t there be massive inflation?
– How will that affect the economy, real estate markets, and interest rates?
– How has the COVID-19 crisis affected residential real estate prices and sales in Louisiana so far?

This webcast will dig deep into the state of real estate in Louisiana, what may be expected over the coming months, and potential opportunities in that may arise.

The event is sponsored by Athena Real Estate, one of the leading brokerage firms in New Orleans.

You can find out more about the webcast and register for the event here (it’s limited to 1,000 attendees).

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