DDD Accepting Nominations for 3rd Annual Downtown NOLA Awards

by • March 14, 2014 • Awards & Recognition, Central Business DistrictComments (0)4736

DDD Awards

Image via New Orleans Downtown Development District

The 3rd Annual Downtown NOLA Awards luncheon, which recognizes those who have made a positive impact on Downtown, will be held May 16.  The deadline to submit nominations is April 18.

The DDD created the Downtown NOLA Awards as an annual program to recognize exceptional accomplishments of Downtown property owners, businesses, residents, workers and organizations.

The following are the categories for awards:

• Best Third Space: Awarded to the “third space,” i.e. restaurant, bar, coffee shop, green space, etc., that provides a creative environment for iMinders to collaborate, work and network.

Best Adaptive Reuse: Awarded to preservationists and owners of homes and businesses who keep the integrity of Downtown’s historic buildings while modernizing them for adaptive reuse.

Best Façade Improvement Project: Awarded to the building owner or lessee who has invested in improving the appearance of the building’s façade. The façade improvement must be a quality renovation that enhances and is consistent with the historical design, materials and architectural character reflected in the original design of the building.

Best Public Works Project: Awarded to a federal, state or local public works project that has improved the environment of Downtown NOLA.

Best Green Project: Awarded to the business or property owner who helps keep Downtown green.

Downtown Inspiration Award: Award presented to a Downtown property owner, business, resident or worker who is a leader, collaborator and evangelizer for Downtown

iMinder of the Year: Awarded to an individual with proven success in one of DDD’s core industries: arts-based businesses, digital media or biosciences.

Public Safety Awards: Awarded to individuals who help keep Downtown New Orleans one of the safest places in the country. Awards will go to an individual who is recognized for his/her service in keeping his/her neighborhood safe as well as to a DDD Public Safety Ranger and a New Orleans Police Department Officer.

Clean Awards: Awarded to individuals who work 24 hours/7 days a week to make Downtown New Orleans one of the cleanest places in the country, including a DDD Clean Team member and a Downtown Clean Partner Award.

Downtown Brand Ambassador of the Year: Awarded to the individual, organization or event that has embraced and incorporated the Downtown NOLA brand.


Best Kept Secret: Awarded to a Downtown “gem” that is low profile, but deserves recognition for its programs, services or amenities.

To submit nominations and for more information visit www.downtownnolaawards.com.

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