HDLC Approves Demo For 138 Room Warehouse District Hotel

by • October 13, 2014 • Development, Hotel & Hospitality, Warehouse DistrictComments (0)6454

740 Baronne - 819 Julia Street

Renderings via Eskew+Dumez+Rippple Architects

The Historic District Landmarks Commission has voted to replace a covered parking lot and a two-story building with a new 138 room hotel and restaurant.  The project was proposed by the HW Real Estate Development Corp. of Chicago. The proposal is currently waiting for final approval from the City Council.

The developer seeks to build the hotel and restaurant on an L-shaped lot between Julia Street and Baronne Street. The development will also wrap around two existing buildings between the streets.
The HDLC’s Architecture Review Committee and the commission spent two months reviewing the proposal. It took the developer three times to get their proposal approved by the review committee and the commission due to the historical significance of the neighborhood.
During the meeting with the HDLC, project architect Cynthia Dubberley with Eskew+Dumez+Ripple addressed the neighborhood’s concerns about the development.  Dubberley stated that the development is within the scale of the zoning requirements. The architect also mentioned that the developers plan to create a traffic study before securing a construction permit. The HDLC was also given details on how the development was going to be built.
The Board of Zoning Adjustments also approved the project. This approval gives the project setbacks for space between the neighboring buildings and the Julia Street home.
The development is not required to have one of the three required loading spaces because the hotel will have an off-street loading dock. However, the development was denied a waiver to eliminate five of the 46 required parking spaces. Developers are currently addressing the concerns of nearby parking lot owners.


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