New Boutique Hotel Planned for 700 Frenchmen Street

by • January 5, 2015 • Food & Beverage, Hotel & Hospitality, Marigny, RenovationComments (1)30972


Plans were filed with the city last month to convert the property at 700 Frenchmen Street into a 19 room boutique hotel. A small bar and restaurant is planned for the first floor, while the courtyard area will be renovated to include a pool and landscaping. Proposed site plan and floor plans below.

The owner of 700 Frenchmen Street is 700 Frenchmen Street, LLC, an entity owned by Subway restaurant magnate Hugh Stiel.  Stiel is also the owner of the Frenchman Hotel, just a few blocks away at 417 Frenchmen Street.

Another hotel project in the Marigny, the redevelopment of the old St. Peter and Paul Church, recently received zoning change approval.  We hear that the development team is now looking for financing to convert the old property into an 80 room hotel.

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One Response to New Boutique Hotel Planned for 700 Frenchmen Street

  1. Hugh says:

    We are about half complete on the restoration of 700 Frenchmen Hotel and Bar. We hope to open in June 2017. Both the Hotel and Bar are going to be fabulous , with a large courtyard and fountain. We will host parties and events for as many as 250 invited. The bar will seat about 16 people and spill into the hotel lobby and courtyard. We will have 16 suites and 3 small studio guest rooms. We will have invested $7,000,000 on the corner of Frenchmen and Royal Street across from Washington Square. We look forward to seeing locals often at the New 700 Frenchmen Hotel and Bar in June.
    We will continue to keep you post.

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