New Construction Medical Office Building Planned For Claiborne Near Napoleon

by • August 16, 2016 • Development, UptownComments (1)6933

The Womans New Life Center is building a new medical office complex on Claiborne Avenue near the Ochsner Baptist Campus.

According to plans filed with the city, the new complex will have two stories.  The first floor will include parking, and the second floor will include a medical clinic and administration offices.

The roughly $2 million building will be located at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue.  The property is currently a vacant piece of land between Cadiz and Upperline.

Womans New Life Center is a pro-life counseling and medical center for women with unplanned pregnancies.  The Christian organization’s plans are directly adjacent to a new 7,000 Planned Parenthood clinic currently under construction.  According to an article in the Clarion Herald, Womans New Life Center goal “is to bring women in before they can become clients of Planned Parenthood.”

HMS Architects, APC is the architect of record.  The building looks great.  Check out the plans below.

Rendering of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Rendering of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Plans of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Plans of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Rendering of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Rendering of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Plans of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans

Plans of the new building at 4612 South Claiborne Avenue by HMS Architects via City of New Orleans


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One Response to New Construction Medical Office Building Planned For Claiborne Near Napoleon

  1. LAL says:

    Note – the new Planned Parenthood health center opened in June and is seeing patients..

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