New ‘lot maintenance program’ allows city to cut grass on blighted private property, on owner’s dime

by • March 10, 2014 • News, Zoning and Land UseComments (0)3878

Blighted LotThe Uptown Messenger reports that the city has passed a new “lot maintenance program” that allows the city to cut grass on blighted private property and tack on the cost of the grass cutting to the property owner’s tax bill.

The program, created as part of an amendment to an existing ordinance, allows the city to cut overgrowth, remove debris and perform routine maintenance on a private lot if the grass or growth is over 18 inches, there is trash or debris and/or if there is “noxious” growth, such as poison ivy, according to a presentation given by city administration in a Housing and Human Needs committee last month.

The new lot maintenance program may be implemented as soon as May, according to city officials. At that point, complaints made about overgrown grass on blighted property will be inspected, and the owner will be sent a notice. If the owner doesn’t comply by cleaning the property and cutting grass within seven days, the city will cut it and record costs on the owner’s tax bill.

Read the complete article from the Uptown Messenger here.


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