Interested in Learning About Green Development? Here is Your Chance.

by • March 31, 2015 • Architecture & Design, ConferenceComments (0)4508

Photo via ULI (Daniel Lobo).  Aerial view with the competition primary study area outlined in red.

Photo via ULI (Daniel Lobo). Aerial view with the competition primary study area outlined in red.

With Green building making waves throughout New Orleans, Louisiana’s Urban Land Institute chapter and the USGBC Louisiana Chapter are co-hosting a timely panel on “Green Leasing & The Benefits of Greening Commercial Real Estate” on April 29, 2015.

The 3 part program will feature a 2 hour course from Adam Sledd of the Institute for Market Transformation. Adam’s course, “How to Make Green Your Competitive Advantage” is a comprehensive look at why green matters for commercial real estate brokers. Adam will highlight the business case for green buildings, an introduction to LEED and Energy Star and how it relates to your practice, bringing “green” into the leasing process, financing green buildings, and available resources for those engaging in green leasing, management, and development.

A four person, 1.5 hour panel, will follow.  Local practitioners of green development, management, and financing will discuss best practices in this field in our region, touching on their personal experiences, as well as an outlook on where they see green going forward. Panelists include:

  • Marcel Wisznia, Wisznia Architecture & Development

  • Will Bradshaw, Green Coast Enterprises

  • Michael Pousson, CBRE

  • Casius Pealer, Tulane University

The morning with end with a 30 minute session from Parke McEnery with the McEnery Company, a local firm specializing in commercial real estate appraisal, brokerage, and consulting. Mr. McEnery will speak about how and to what extent green development affects his real estate appraisal practice.

This event is open to the public, with discounts for ULI & USGBC members.  You can find out more about the panel here.


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